Pictured above is Royce Hall, one of the four original buildings on UCLA's Westwood campus. Royce's front exterior often serves as a symbol for UCLA as a whole.

Next is Kerckhoff Hall, which adjoins the Ackerman Student Union and houses many offices of the type that would be found in a student union. I was a sportswriter for the Daily Bruin and our offices were in Kerckhoff. Nowadays, I would go to Kerckhoff primarily for its Coffee House, which also includes an ice cream component.

Immediately to the south of UCLA is Westwood Village. Up through, I would say, the 1970s (during my childhood and adolescence), Westwood had a bunch of quaint, traditional college-town business establishments. In more recent decades, however, things have gotten considerably more high-end (which also seems to be associated with a high turnover of businesses in some locations). In the photo above, which looks north along Westwood Blvd., you can see in the background a hint of the red-brick exterior to the UCLA Medical Center (which is slated to be replaced in about another year or so).

Finally, Westwood is one of the main movie-theater hubs in Los Angeles (along with Hollywood, of course), and while I was there, in fact, Westwood hosted the annual L.A. Film Festival. If they showed exclusively comedies, then the acronym LAFF would make sense, but they didn't. Pictured above is the Fox theater, a bit west of Westwood Blvd.